Successful Implant Restorative Workflow

June 30, 2021
A collaborative approach with your Dental Lab for accurate, consistent and swift results.
Regardless of where you are at with digital technology in the office, if you are placing implants, you are at at least getting a CT scan done most of the time.
So where do we fit in with regards to pre-planning and improving efficiency ?
Our Lab uses 3Shape software and hardware for our digital workflows. 3Shape implant studio facilitates ‘ Prosthetic Driven Implant Planning ‘.
This image demonstrates the concept of meshing the surface scan and CT scan together and planning placement from the crown down. It gives us the ability to plan and review the case with you.
Once a final design and placement is approved, we can provide a surgical guide, custom temporary abutment or custom provisional.
(Surgical guides can be tooth supported, mucosal or bone supported )
Now I just want to pause here and mention that we do understand that guided surgery is not for every case, patient scenario or doctor. However, some of the other aspects of the treatment plan post implant placement, like providing custom provisionals may be useful. And perhaps none of this appeals to you.
That’s ok.